Columbus City Ordinances

The web version of Columbus' Code of Ordinances is now hosted by American Legal Publishing.

Please visit to review Columbus' Code.

Through American Legal Publishing, you will now be able to easily research the code, with features including setting alerts for future edits, downloading all or parts of the Code, translating from English into 106 different languages and utilizing advanced search capabilities. Additionally, after creating a free account, readers will also have the ability to notate and bookmark within the Code.

Ordinances Awaiting Inclusion

The Municiple Code is modified each time an ordinance is approved by the City Council. Changes are incorporated into the online code as soon as possible; however, updates are not immediate. For your information, clink the link above to view ordinances awaiting inclusion into the online code.

Proposed Ordinances

Clink the link above to view ordinances that are proposed and under consideration for approval by the City Council