Filing Begins July 30, 2024
Mayor - 2-Year Term
Council Member - 4 Year Term - 2 Seats Available
ALL candidates:
•Must be at least 21 years of age upon assuming office.
•Must be a resident of the district for at least 30 days before the general election.
•Must be eligible to vote in Minnesota.
•Must have not filed for the same or any other office at the upcoming primary or general election
Affidavit of Candidacy:
All candidates must file an Affidavit of Candidacy for office. Candidates must state that the name listed
on their affidavit is their true name by which they are commonly known in the community. A candidate
phone number is required. Affidavits must be signed in the presence of a notary or an individual
authorized to administer oaths. Staff of the Anoka County Elections Office can perform this function free
of charge.
Candidate Withdrawal:
If after filing you decide you no longer wish to run for office, you must file an Affidavit of Withdrawal no later than 5:00 p.m. on Thursday August 15, 2024. The names of all candidates who do
not file an Affidavit of Withdrawal before the deadline will appear on the ballot – no exceptions. The
filing fee is non-refundable.
Candidate Information:
Candidates may choose to complete the Election Candidate Information Form produced by the Secretary
of State. Completion of the form is voluntary. If provided, the completed form will be posted on the
website of the MN Secretary of State. Be advised that subsequent changes to that information may be
made, but may not appear for 2-3 days after submission to this office. Please review all information
carefully to ensure contact numbers, email addresses, etc. are correct at the time of filing.