Today is Election Day
Minnesota voters have three voting opportunities to make their voices heard in 2024, and the first is today!
Minnesota will be one of 16 states and territories participating in Super Tuesday of the 2024 Presidential National Primary. Polls opened at 7 a.m. and will remain open until 8 p.m.
While early voting took place at City Hall, casting a ballot today will require Columbus voters to visit the Public Works Building at 16345 Kettle River Blvd. Voters will either progress through the garage to check in, collect & mark their ballot and deposit it into the ballot box, or they can park in designated parking spaces for curbside voting. Sample ballots for the three parties holding primary elections in Minnesota this year (Democratic-Farmer-Labor, Legal Marijuana Now and Republican) are available on the City's website at or by clicking on the links within the list above or in the sidebar.
The remaining two elections this year are the State Primary Election on Tuesday, August 13 and the General Election on Tuesday, November 5. For both elections, early voting starts 46 days before Election Day by way of absentee voting (sealing your ballot in two envelopes to be processed on Election Day by the Anoka County Office of Elections, until 18 days before Election Day when voting transitions into direct balloting (that is, putting your completed ballot directly into the same voting machines used on Election Day). Both elections will also feature expanded voting hours, including opportunities for weekend voting.
Get out and vote, Columbus!