A note from the Anoka County Taxation Office
Columbus, Minn. - With Anoka County's "Proposed Property Tax Statements" starting to be delivered to local mailboxes, the City is starting to see an increase in calls - especially from those that own companies in Columbus. In fact, the County's taxation office has also been receiving similar calls from businesses in Columbus, Columbia Heights, St. Francis and everywhere in between.
In response to the increase in calls from business owners, the Anoka County Property Records & Taxation Division posted the following:
- Increasing levies at the local level including City, School District, and County.
- 2023 Value increases for Commercial, Industrial, and Apartment properties largely exceeded that of Residential properties meaning they will bear more of the tax burden in calendar year 2024.
Since the City of Columbus looks to the County's Property Records & Taxation Division to provide assessment services, they are the entity to contact for questions regarding valuations. The County recommends you email proptax@anokacountymn.gov or call 763-323-5400.