City of Columbus ISO Rating

The City of Columbus has received their 2019 ISO Rating, to take effect 10.01.19.  the Insurance Service Office (ISO) is an organization that provides the rating, which is used to gauge the ability of the Fire Department to respond to fires.  The insurance industry uses the rating to determine premiums for residences and businesses, although some insurance companies no longer use ISO ratings.

The ISO rating is from 10 - 1, with "1" being the best.  Points are given for everything from training aids to the distance between fire hydrants.  

The Forest Lake Fire Department provides fire protection for Forest Lake and Columbus, located in both Washington and Anoka Counties.  Because these cities are located in different counties, they have each been issued their own classification.  

Below are the current ISO classifications for each City (effective October 1, 2019):

Forest Lake:    4/10
Columbus:       5/10

The rating is dependent on where you live and the distance to either one of the fire department's two stations:

Station 1 - Forest Lake 
1408 Lake Street South
Forest Lake, MN 55025

Station 2 - Columbus 
16319 Kettle River Blvd
Columbus, MN 55025

To determine what classification is appropriate, you will need to calculate the distance in road miles between the property in question and the closest fire station.  Once you have calculated the mileage, use the chart below to determine your classification.

For additional information, please call the Forest Lake Fire Chief at 651-209-9722.